+ infoThe monochrome series of images captures the silent presence of dead trees, seen both individually and in small groups. The absence of foliage and the bare presence of the trees make them seem like relics from a bygone era, while the light spheres of the bird’s nests in the treetops appear as a delicate counterpoint.
The choice of perspective, with the camera pointing upwards towards the sky, creates a certain alienation from the landscape. This reinforces the impression that these trees are no longer part of a living nature, but appear as independent, isolated elements in the image space. In their reduced representation, the images are reminiscent of drawings in which the elements of point, line and surface merge into a harmonious unity.
The nests, which were once part of a functional, living process, have now become “foreign bodies” – torn from the reality of the trees’ lives and left in a state of abandonment. Trees and nests are not only silent witnesses of time, but also symbols of unstoppable change – the constant cycle of birth, change and decay.